We help businesses find the right way to work.

For more than 10 years, we’ve helped businesses find and create the perfect workspace for their people.

Our extensive network of locations enables companies of all sizes to work wherever and however they need.

About Us

We believe work is about people and ideas. Our Virtual Office is inhabited by forward thinkers, innovators, and game changers who are confident in achieving their goals. Whether you are a small business, entrepreneur, or a corporate intrapreneur, at Virtual Office we help our community to expand their horizon.

Our free-spirited vibe attracts an energetic community of positive and open-minded business thinkers who love to meet new people. 

When businesses choose Virtualoffices.shop, they’re not simply choosing a workspace. They’re choosing our people. Our dedicated teams define Virtualoffices.shop – together creating a friendly, professional, and consistent experience for our customers, every day, in Netherlands.